This is a poor man’s implementation of PHP environment chrooting. Apache’s suexec is too hardwired to user homes. Suexec is probably more secure but this is more flexible. (more…)
Transition to FastCGI
Apache’s prefork MPM is a very heavy memory eater. Thirty instances together with PostgreSQL can consume more then 1.5GB of memory. I have already managed the PostgreSQL to become modest. Now the Apache is the target.
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mod_python vs. FastCGI
I’m developing webapplications running under mod_python for a long time. I’m not very satisfied with the mod_python performance particularly the first load time so I’m looking for something like an application server – loaded modules will stay “longer” in the memory – application doesn’t need to be completely initialized very often. The FastCGI approach is very close. I ran benchmarks to measure overhead of the FastCGI (mod_fastcgi, mod_fcgid) compared to the mod_python. (more…)
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